November 17

Nov 17, 2022

Proverbs 31:11
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

Biblical Insight
Proverbs 31 was likely written to encourage young men to choose the right spouse while also serving as a paradigm for young women to follow. Verse 11 proves to be key in this study because it states that the husband of the Proverbs 31 woman lacked nothing of value. The distinction is important because the world may place a certain value on things that prove worthless. In fact, the Bible often talks about “sons of Belial.” Literally, they were sons of worthlessness—good for nothing. They lacked all the good things that make an individual wise and prosperous.

Daily Devotion
It was the most wonderful time of the year. At least that is how the children remember the year their mother spent extra time making Christmas decorations with them. Bright-colored paper made into a chain decorated their mantle, and handcrafted ornaments were hung with pride. They were the most beautiful Christmas decorations the children had ever seen.

What the children did not know was there was no money that year for extra things. The budget was tight, and the parents were concerned about making ends meet. However, the home was filled with love, faith, and a sense of well-being. This sense of stability did not come from unexpected financial blessings, but from the heart of a woman who used her God-given ability to nurture her family and to ensure nothing was lacking in the hearts of her children.
That year, that little mother stepped into her calling with greatness, and her family lacked for nothing. Our ministry in the home is not determined by the riches we possess, but how we use what we have.